Main Pool

Main pool:
It has its respective children's pool , an area with showers and toilets, and also its own inn and restaurant.

Our impressive pools are heated and offer a beautiful 360 view, to the east with an infinite view of Playa Guacuco, the Caribbean Sea and to the west with the < in>Cerro Guayamurí.

Semi-Olympic Pool:
The perfect place for the practice swimming It has all its comforts; heated pool for children and adults, shower and toilet area and barbecue.

Semi-Olympic Pool


Tennis Court

Tennis Court: If you want to have fun practicing this entertaining sport, request the necessary equipment from our staff.

The Wonderful Playa Guacuco: Our residence has a private walkway that leads directly to the beach, allowing a more secure entrance. You cannot miss the spectacular sunsets and different activities that you can do on this beach, as well as the delicious cuisine that you will find in different restaurants.


Recreation area


Recreation area:
We have a ball court criollas and foosball, a children's mini-park that has swings, slides and places to climb, as well as extensive green outdoor areas where you can enjoy pleasant walks, jogging, riding bicycles, skateboards and other activities, accompanied by the singing of different birds who live in our facilities.

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